My name is Richard Tao, and I am a graphic designer. I have recently completed my Bachelor of Design at Swinburne University of Technology, majoring in Communication Design and minoring in Creative Writing and Literature. 
My first accomplishment was with a boutique business based in Melbourne. I was lucky to be given the opportunity to work with Auntie Kit’s Chilli Oil, where I assisted in the development of the brand/identity, logo design, creation of graphics, etc.  . Unfortunately, due to the abrupt disturbance of COVID-19, Auntie Kit’s has since closed, and even to this day, I still yearn for the unique taste of their special chilli oil.
However, throughout the journey of my life of design experiences, educational studies, and a real-life client, I realised my passion wasn't completely focused on 'design'. For me, it was creating art and using graphics as another language to communicate a message. I deeply admired the co-existence of graphics and words and how they work with one another to communicate beyond the expected. I relished playing with different colours and fonts, as well as choosing the perfect layouts that would be suitable for its chosen design.
When I am not working, I write my heart out! I absolutely adore writing short horror and fantasy fiction whilst occasionally grinding away at a fantasy novel, constantly switching between the two. I would often attempt, and I mean 'attempt', to draw the characters in my stories. Sadly, that has yet to yield anything valuable, no thanks to my immense lack of skill at drawing people, especially in the hand department. 
I see design as the grand example of 'a picture can express a thousand words', and also 'a word can express a thousand pictures'. It diverts from the expected, and each new outcome is different from the last! That's the reason why I adore Graphic Design. It's a unique language that doesn't require boring grammar and punctuation. :)
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